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Total 268
  • No. 268


    In the year 2012, I believed that I was born again under the Romans Catholic Church doctrine and they me now you’ve been born again, you need to start doing good things, by then I was 16 years old. So I was brought up with the knowledge of self-righteousness meaning I had to start doing this and that, and stop doing this and that in order to live a righteous life. Furthermore, during the foundation class I was taught that Jesus took my sins on the cross and I went on believing this in my heart with the Zeal that I was doing the work of God without knowing that it was an incomplete salvation. Not until, I met the true gospel of the Water and the Spirit in the year 2013 from true servants of God. They asked me a question saying on which occasion did Jesus take away our sins? My answer was based on the knowledge which I acquired from the foundation class. Thinking that I was born again by believing in the gospel of the cross. Finally, they start telling me on how Jesus took away my sins by quoting Mark 7v20-23. I liked this scripture, it showed just how weak and evil we are as human beings [the true nature]. But for me to have the clear understanding, they brought in the Old Testament on how God appointed Aaron to be the high priest of the children of Israel and to stand as the representative. They quoted this scripture Leviticus 16v20-22 and they connect it to the New Testament in Matt 3v13-15, that John was the last high priest of the earth and the representative of mankind. Jesus Christ took our sins on his baptism by the laying on of hands by John the Baptist and He was judged for our sins on the cross for the wages of sin is death, and He didn’t die only but He also resurrected. When you believe in this Gospel of the Water and the Spirit [John 3v1-5] that’s when you’ll see and enter into the kingdom of God. I thank God because it was easy for me to believe the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit.  After I heard about the gospel of the Water and the Spirit, I was not separated from the worldly Christianity for 8 years and within that period from 2013 to 2021. I experienced a lot of things, when one believes in the gospel of the Water and the Spirit and decides to stay away from the true Church of God but be with the worldly Church the Gospel of Water and the Spirit [the Love of God] will not be evident, the reason being you’ll be mixing it with the worldly gospel, not only that; it’s very easy to forget about the Gospel of Life. But when you separate yourself from the worldly Christianity and unite with the Church of God that’s when you can see the power of the Gospel of Water and the Spirit. In the year 2022, I thank God for separating me from the worldly Church to unite me with His church and my faith has been different from old faith I believed in the unknown Jesus [incompletely gospel] but now I have the complete gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord, This is He who came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ not by water only, but water and blood. And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is Truth [1John5v6]. I thank God for this Gospel of Life and as well as for entrusting Rev PAUL C. JONG with this true Gospel. Langson Phiri, Zambia

    • Langson Phiri
    • Zambia
    • 09/06/2024307
  • No. 267

    I thank God for the gospel of the water and the Spirit.

    I thank God for the gospel of the water and the Spirit, after reading book one, "Have you truly been born again of the water and the Spirit?" I perceived this. All human beings fall short of His glory, and from the beginning, God made a plan of how he will save his people from sin once and for all. Mankind has to be born again of water and the Spirit through faith and be redeemed and become righteous. Only then can one enter the eternal kingdom of heaven. (John 3:5) mankind needs to be born again of water and the Spirit. What does the water mean the water means Jesus` baptism, so to be born again of water and the Spirit is the only way we can enter the eternal kingdom of heaven. When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist by laying on of hands, it revealed the truth that all the sins of humanity were passed on to Jesus Christ once and for all. l thank God for Rev Paul C. Jong`s book, which has reviewed this truth in my life.  Leah Banda, Zambia

    • Leah Banda
    • Zambia
    • 09/06/2024125
  • No. 266

    Going to ngora district in Uganda to preach the Gospel of Water and the Spirit.

    Going to ngora district in Uganda to preach the Gospel of Water and the Spirit. To meet with the person who read our book 1  and gave to his daughters and his friend. They shall receive their books today. I pray that I meet other people there who will listen and believe in The Gospel of Water and the Spirit today.   Emma Onyege, Uganda

    • Onyege Emmanuel
    • Uganda
    • 08/30/2024114
  • No. 265


    Happy I am, for the Gift of eternal life and the Heavenly Kingdom has fallen upon me, through my faith in the only Gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit (John 3:5). Ecclesiastes 10:15. Only someone too stupid to find his way home would wear himself out with work. Actually, what is sad is witnessing how many people are dying without the pure realization that Jesus Christ truly is the Savior, who has saved mankind from the bondage of sin only through His baptism, death, and resurrection. Thus, many people have lived their lives on earth by trying to do many of their own good deeds(like offering daily prayers of repentance, fasting tirelessly on mountains, offering many money to their denomination, speaking in tongues, and some even try harder to perform such miracles like healing the lame and casting out demons) But as such performance ever saved a sinful heart from its sin Or as it ever made anyone to receive true Repentance from their heart’s sins? Absolutely No! None of it has ever made the souls of those following and practicing them happy or to be at peace. But yet they still live such a life that they may reach to God, and think to themselves that they are doing the will of God. But the question is, Do they even know what the Will of God is? such people are the ones the Lord is speaking of in Mathews7:21-23, the Lord He is saying to such people that He does not know them, for they do not literally do the Will of God, but rather for their own lusts and interest. Thus the Lord He is saying to those still living in such hypocritical states that they should all cast away their Stupidity and vainglory worship they are offering to themselves and come to accept the true Will of God in their lives by believing in the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit and attain a sinless heart filled with the Holy Spirit as they come to have faith in the baptism of Jesus Christ from John(where He took away all the sins of the world), His blood shed of the Cross(where He paid for all the wages of sin) and in His resurrection(through which newness of life is given). For this is the will of God, that all mankind should be sinless and righteous by believing in the righteous Acts of Jesus Christ, which is both His baptism, death, and resurrection (1 John 5:6). Now it is the time for you to come out from your hypocritical living just by visiting our website, and download free Christian ebooks and audiobooks which will enable you to receive the remission of your heart’s sins once and for all as you humbly believe in the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit constituting Jesus’s baptism, death and resurrection. Selah! May God continue to bless His Church(The New Life Mission) and all His Faithful Servants and Saints. Hallelujah!!!

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 08/30/202459
  • No. 264


    I have been in so much sorrow too, helplessness, in pain, and I almost died of depression because I couldn`t understand who I was, not until the Word of God made me to understand that I am born so sinful(Mark7:21-23) and as sinful as I am born by nature I cannot live by God`s Law Because He gave me His Law so that I may understand how complete incapable being I am apart from Him(Romans3:20). Now because I have accepted my sinfulness, the Lord has blessed me with the Gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit(John3:5) through which all the Laws and prophets testified of Him, are fulfilled(Hebrews10:1, Mathews5:17). The Lord made me to understand how He forgave sin in the old testament for it is the shadow that pointed out to the real thing to come, who is Jesus Christ Himself(Hebrews10:1). Because God does not change, Therefore, even the means by which He has saved us all mankind from our sinful nature inherited from our fore parents Adam and Eve is definitive the same(Mathews5:17), so the way He forgave sin in the Old Tastement is the very way He has forgave us all in the New Testament from our sins leaving no single mankind behind.Just as it was in the old testament, God appointed the high priest (Aaron) to stand for the Israelites on the day of atonement in order to transfer all the sins of the Israelites after they confessed to him onto the unblemished sacrificial animal by the laying on of Hands (Leviticus1:4-5, Leviticus16vs21) which was to be killed after accepting their sins in order to be judged on their behalf by its blood(Romans6:23, Hebrews9:22) through this way the Lord had established for the forgiveness of yearly sins, indeed the Israelites were forgiven from their yearly sins. So likewise, God sent John the Baptist on this earth as the messenger of God, who tells every Mankind to turn away from their sins. And as a witness bearer about the light who is Jesus Christ, So God sent John the Baptist to come and prepare a way for the Lord, by telling the people to repent from their sins(John1:6, Malachi4:5-6, Isaiah40:3, Mathews11:10-14). So the people repented by confessing their sins to John, and received the baptism of repentance from John. So because John is the last high priest of the old testament time(Luke1:5, 1Chronicles 24:10), John stood for all mankind on earth from the first man Adam to the last man who will be born on this earth and transferred the sins of all mankind onto the body of the unblemished Lamb of God Jesus Christ on His baptism(Mathews3:13-17) that is why Jesus when He reached to the Jordan River, He commanded John to baptism Him so as all the sins of the world can be transferred onto Jesus`s body at once(Mathews3:15), and immediately John obeyed Him, all our sins were shouldered upon Jesus Christ, that is why it pleased God the Father immediately Jesus came out of the Water, The Heavens were opened, and the Spirit of God descended upon Him in a form of a dove, and the voice was heard saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased. God was pleased knowing that all our sins were passed upon Jesus`s body, so because of that, Jesus became with sin for our stead (2Corinthians5:21), now because His word says that the wages of sin is death(Romans6:23) so it was for this reason that Jesus was crucified on the cross in order to pay for the wages of all sins He had received on His baptism from John the Baptist(Mathews3:15, Leviticus16vs21). Thus Jesus Christ accomplished the work of our Salvation by shedding His precious blood on the cross(John19:30) and on the third day He rose again to give the newness of life to whosoever believeth in this truth; that the Lamb of God took away all the sins of World by His baptism, death and resurrection(John1:29) Now you and I as well as all mankind can be made Sinless when we believe in both His baptism and death on the cross and His resurrection(1John5:8) for these are the only three witnesses that seals ones heart with the Spirit of God when one believes in this truth. So this is the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit which constitutes Jesus`s baptism, death and His resurrection(1John5:6). For truly Jesus is our only Savior(Mathews1:21) who came by His baptism, death and resurrection. We can all reach to the Father by believing in this Jesus who came by the Water, Blood and the Spirit wholly with our hearts.May the Grace and Peace of Our LORD Jesus Christ found in the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit which surpasses all human understanding be with you as you come to believe in the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit.May God bless His Church(The New Life Mission).Please visit our website download yourself free Christian ebooks and audiobooks which will enable you to believe in the gospel truth of the Water and the Spirit(John3:5) to receive the remission of your heart`s sins Completely.

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 08/18/2024135