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Total 261
  • No. 211

    We Praise God for A New Building to Host God's church Nlm Nairobi Githurai.

    We Praise God for A New Building to Host God's church Nlm Nairobi Githurai. Your browser does not support the video element.  

    • Eric Kimani
    • Kenya
    • 03/07/2023417
  • No. 210

    NATIONS (Gospel song)

    NATIONS FIRST CHORUSNations shall bow down and call you Yahweh, Nations shall bow down and call you Savior, for you came by water, blood and the Spirit, to save mankind for your Spirit bears witness*2 FIRST VERSEJesus Son of David, thank you for your Mercy, Jesus oh we thank you for your love, that you have showed us through your Baptism, Cross and Resurrection Jesus, we are thankful, we are thankful, we are thankful, for your mercy, for your mercy. Without your Mercy Lord, where we will be Lord, without your Baptism and your Cross, Lord where we will be lord, Because of your Mercy Lord, we are free from our sins Because of your Mercy we are free from our sins, we are freeWe are free!!! CHORUSNations shall bow down and call you Yahweh,Nations shall bow down and call you Savior, you came by water, blood and the Spirit, to save mankind for your Spirit bears witness*2 Verse Hallelujah, when God saw the wickedness of man, The Bible says that God brought the system called the sacrificial system, where He (God) used Aaron as the High Priest and Aaron had to transfer all the sins of the children of Israel on the lamb and in the New testament, The Bible says that the very system that God used in the old testament, now this timeGod brought in John the Baptist as the High Priest and Jesus Christ as the lamb, And when Jesus Christ met John the Baptist at the Jordan River the Bible says that, John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ by transferring all the sins of the world, the past, present and the future, through the system called the laying on of hands and the very system that was happening in the old testament that the system that John the Baptist used,And John the Baptist when he was trying to prevent to baptize Jesus,Jesus said, permit it to be so now for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness and when Jesus Christ was baptized by John the Baptist, the Bible says that, He received the sins of the whole world, And that very sin the Bible says that the wages of sin is death, So that sin led Him (Jesus) on the Cross to pay, with His blood.And when He (Jesus) died on the Cross, the Bible says that after three days Jesus resurrected as God, to show and to say that, whosoever believe in the baptism of Jesus, the Cross of Jesus and His Resurrection, will be free from their sins,So I encourage you my brothers and my sisters that this is the true Gospel, when you believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, you will be free from all your sins the past, present and future Hallelujah ENDING CHORUSJesus! You are the God of our salvation,Jesus! You are the God of our salvation,For you came by water and blood, to set us free from sin,For you came by water and blood to set us free from iniquities,And you gave us the power to call you Aba Father*2

    • Christopher Chibale
    • Zambia
    • 03/04/2023312
  • No. 209


    As a continuation of the meditation on Matthew I, this book shed a lot of light on the dark areas of my faith. I was able to understand in depth the parable of the four fields that Jesus taught in Matthew 13:1-9 I WAS BOUND TO HELL BY MY SINFUL NATURE AND CARNAL THOUGHTS Having attended a monastery as a child, I used to believe that I was born as a good ground in this world and associated Jesus' salvation with my own righteous acts to achieve holiness and the Kingdom of God. Living in the Christian doctrines of this world teaching that one should abstain from sin and live according to the norms of society, I simply saw myself as God's chosen one. But as I meditated on the parable of the four plots of land taught in this book, I came to the clear realisation that I was born into this world as the wayside of the field and could only become good ground by being shaped by the gospel of the water and the Spirit. It is because I am a descendant of Adam who sinned against God that my heart became sinful. I had no choice but to worship idols before God and end up in hell. It was only when I encountered the gospel of the water and the Spirit that I became aware of my sinful nature and my condemnation to hell because of my sins. I was so unaware of my sins and their judgment. I thought that killing someone or having illicit relations with the opposite sex were the sins that were severely condemned. But my conscience came to be clear when I became aware of my sinful nature through the gospel of the water of the Spirit. Although I often confessed to God that I was a sinner, it was only with doctrinal faith and not with the light of the truth revealed by the gospel of the water and the Spirit. There is really a huge difference when we believe we are sinners with the gospel of the water and the Spirit rather than the gospel of the Cross. Sometimes we don't fully recognise ourselves as sinners before God when we compare ourselves to thieves, murderers or street prostitutes. We think we are better and that there are just a few small sins to deal with. However, such thoughts bind us to the terrifying judgment of our sins which is eternal hell. It is when we acknowledge ourselves as complete sinners before God through the gospel of the water and the Spirit that God takes mercy on us like the paralytic to whom Jesus said, "My child, your sins are forgiven.'' LET'S MOVE THE EARTH BEFORE SOWING THE SEED After placing my faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit, which is the gospel of the forgiveness of sins, I used to speak directly about how the Lord has solved the problem of all our sins without turning the heart-field of my interlocutors by pointing out the sins of their hearts. The result was that these people became religious Christians taking the gospel of the water and the Spirit as a secular Christian doctrine. I now have the opportunity to sharpen my sword of preaching the beautiful gospel by urging my listeners to first become aware of their sins in order to be saved. Even though the Lord clearly came into this world in human flesh and received all our sins into His body through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and the death He suffered at the Cross, it is only when we are aware of our sins and their judgment that we can be saved from them. My personal faith in the beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit could only grow when I daily stirred the field of my heart by discovering my many sins and recognising the Lord's righteous salvation through the baptism He received from John the Baptist and through the punishment for my sins He endured on the Cross. My soul is now enlivened with these precious insights. I believe that if I try to exercise my faith on these teachings, I will not be able to beat the air like before. Many souls will truly receive salvation and follow the Lord. I am so thankful to God for letting me know such important truths. THE BEST LIFE Who knew that the best life is found in faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Even though I had believed in Jesus in the past as my personal Lord and Saviour, I was so miserable and poor. It was better that I was only poor but I was at the same time unhappy and poor. This is because there was sin in my heart even though I sincerely believed in Jesus. Now that I believe in Him without sin, I am so happy. The Lord blesses in body, soul and spirit all those who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit and propagates it throughout the world in unity with His Church. When we wholeheartedly seek the remission of our neighbour's sin by believing that Jesus is God Himself who delivered us through His baptism and blood, the Lord pours out all spiritual and material blessings into our lives of faith. Those who seek the salvation of souls have great faith like those who carried the paralytic. Through their faith, the Lord grants remission of sins to sinners. The sinners in turn become righteous who give glory to God. I am so grateful to be a worker of God in this world. May the honour and glory go to Jesus Christ our God and Saviour, Amen! Brother Cedric Patrick,

    • Cédric Patrick Tchako
    • United Kingdom
    • 02/21/2023320
  • No. 208


    We are so thankful to the Lord Jesus Christ, for allowing us to distribute The New Life Mission Christian books in the city of Dschang located in Western Cameroon.By His Providence, Brother Christophe Fondja and I traveled safely. The distribution took place in two days. We started the distribution in a neighborhood of the city called Mingou. We distributed 3 boxes of books and met a man (Jean Tsafack) who was eager to hear the beautiful gospel. We exchanged some words and recommended him to read the first book. The next day we went to the university and distributed 7 boxes of books. The distribution on this second day went wonderfully well and we immediately took the way back to Douala. We now commend these souls who received the free Christian books from Pastor Paul C. Jong to God and pray for them unceasingly. May God save His people through the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit! Brother Cedric Patrick, Douala-Cameroon

    • Cédric Patrick Tchako
    • Cameroon
    • 02/17/2023203
  • No. 207

    If You Have Confusion and Emptiness in Your Heart, Seek the Light of the Truth

    I can see from reading this book how much God wants to shine the light of the true gospel that contains both the baptism and the blood of Jesus Christ in the hearts of today's Christians. Christians all over the world can now find out what is wrong with their current faith and how to believe properly before God, by reading this book. This current false faith which lies in just the crucified Jesus can be traced back to the meeting summoned by Emperor Constantine in AD 325. The result of the meeting is the Nicene Creed, where the baptism of Jesus Christ was removed arbitrarily. Constantine and his followers are responsible for the death of countless Christians from Late Antiquity to this day. It hurts my heart to learn how many Christians have faced death as a result of inheriting this false doctrine that lies on just the Cross of Jesus Christ. How many Christians have died since AD 325 believing in just the crucified Jesus? Wouldn't many be saved if the gospel that contains both the baptism and blood of Jesus Christ was passed down to them? Wouldn't our work of preaching this gospel that contains both the baptism of Jesus Christ and His blood be lessened as well? If it hurts us this way, how much does it hurt Jesus Christ, our Saviour? The sin committed by Constantine and his followers is not a small sin, the consequence of that sin is the death of countless people, and the effect continues even till these days. Using Constantine's religion as a weapon, Satan has knocked these Christians down, and they are still licking their wounds. With the gospel of just the blood, there is 0% chance of them recovering from Satan's defeat no matter how much they try. Painfully, some of these Christians still see us as heretics, being unable to realize that what they themselves believed in is actually the wrong faith, thereby rubbing salt into their wounds. Nevertheless, these Christians really need the help of the believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Recently I saw in the internet, the images of baby chicks in the nests looking up to the sky with their mouths open, they are saying “Feed me. I’m hungry!” These Christians are like these birds, we will not forsake them. Though they may sing and dance with their body, their souls are hungry for the Word of life. Therefore, the believers in the gospel Word of the water and the Spirit are duty-bound to put a stop to the spread of this killer gospel. This Nicene Creed which arose out of the First Council of Nicaea, reproduced the present Apostles' Creed that many Christians now hold onto. By looking at the present Apostles' Creed, we can see how much damage Constantine and his followers have done in Christianity by removing the baptism of Jesus Christ. It shows that the present Apostles' Creed holds the faith of today's Christians, which means these Christians have misbelieved from Late Antiquity till now. The consequence of their misbelief is that they have all faced death being unable to receive the remission of their sins. It is shocking to see how the baptism of Jesus Christ was removed in the Apostles' Creed - a byproduct of the Nicene Creed. This removal is like counting 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7. A closer look at this counting reveals that 2 is missing. But Christians today do not even realize that something is missing in their faith in the Apostles' Creed. In the Apostles' Creed we can see faith in the Triune God, and Jesus Christ who is God Himself who was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. At this point, the maker of the Apostles' Creed jumped over the baptism that Jesus Christ received from John the Baptist at the Jordan River, and proceeded to His suffering at the court of Pontius Pilate and His crucifixion. Indeed, this is shocking. But, it is clearly written in Matthew 3:15 "But Jesus answered and said to him, “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he allowed Him." It is also written in 1 John 5:6 "This is He who came by water and blood—Jesus Christ; not only by water, but by water and blood. And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is truth." Jesus Christ was baptized to have the sins of the world passed onto His body, He shed His blood on the Cross to receive the judgment for those sins. He came by both water and blood. But Constantine and his followers intentionally removed the water (baptism) of Jesus Christ from their Nicene Creed and put forth only His blood. Is this not shocking?Constantine intentionally removed the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Nicene Creed. Before the First Council of Nicaea, Constantine and his followers knew about the baptism of Jesus Christ because the baptism of Jesus Christ was there prior to the Nicene Creed. But they created a religion of their own making and told everyone to believe in this human's religion to receive the glory that would have otherwise gone to God. In other words, they intended to create a new religion different from apostles' faith and use that religion as a tool to achieve their political objectives. Those who believe in the gospel of the water and the Spirit raise the righteousness of God above men’s, serve God and worship only Him as the Divine Being. So it became difficult for Emperor Constantine and his followers to use the gospel of the water and the Spirit to achieve their own purposes, therefore they needed their own version of the gospel to be headed by Emperor Constantine. In order to achieve this they intentionally left out the baptism of Jesus Christ. By leaving out the baptism of Jesus Christ they mutated the gospel of the water and the Spirit into the gospel of the Cross. We know that those who believe in both the baptism and the blood of Jesus Christ naturally oppose the untruth for they have the Holy Spirit inside their hearts, and those who believe only in blood of the Cross will naturally submit to Constantine's religion and his evil political objectives for they do not have the Holy Spirit. By removing the baptism of Jesus Christ from the Apostles' faith they could also give birth to Christians who will submit completely to their doctrines and political objectives, and thereby unrestrictedly fulfilling their fleshly purposes. Now, having reinserted the baptism of Jesus Christ into the Apostles' Creed, the believers in the gospel of the water and the Spirit are now presenting this original Apostles' faith to the world. Through this book, many will come to realize the true faith of the apostles of Early Church and believe again with the right knowledge of how God saved them from their sins. Christians who are hanging onto the blood of the Cross alone in tears should realize such mistaken faith cannot save them from sins. They should believe that their sins went over to Jesus Christ when He was baptized by John the Baptist the last earthly High Priest and the representative of mankind. And He bore the condemnation of these sins by dying on the Cross shedding His precious blood, and that He rose again from the dead after three days to become their true and eternal Saviour. This Jesus Christ is now sitting at the right hand of the throne of God the Father. This is the right faith everyone in this world needs to have to be able to overcome the Antichrist in these end times because the faith of those who believe in just the crucified Jesus will evaporate like methylated spirit when the Antichrist shakes their faith. Therefore, now is the time for us to lay the foundation of our faith on the solid rock of the gospel Word of the water and the Spirit. Jesus Christ who came to this world incarnated in the flesh of a man is the last hope for mankind. There should be no more delay, we must return to our Saviour and Creator to have all our sins blotted out once and for all by believing in His baptism and blood on the Cross. No matter how much we try to find hope in the religion of this world, we will eventually realize that it cannot offer any hope to us. No theological doctrines, philosophy, wealth, fame and any earthly things can give us hope and save us from the sins of the world, only this gospel Word of the water and the Spirit can bring peace and joy to our thirsty souls. Like the Samaritan woman who finally quenched her thirst by drinking the living water after having had five husband without any joy and peace, we must accept the gospel of the water and the Spirit into our hearts to never thirst again.  So now, the will of God is for everyone in this world to come to the knowledge of the truth. From this book I learnt how much God yearns to bring the gospel of the water and the Spirit to everyone and to strengthen the faith of those who now hold this faith in the baptism and the blood of Jesus Christ. God wants our faith to be rooted in the gospel of the water and the Spirit and to spread this gospel of the water and the Spirit to everyone through us. God wants us to have a concrete understanding of the origin of the present false faith held by Christians, to separate this false faith from the true faith and to spread the true faith. As the world is moving to its end this faith is urgently needed in our hearts. Because those who believe only in the blood of Jesus are like the dry bones in the eyes of God, God is commanding us to preach the gospel Word of the water and the Spirit to them so that they also can receive the breath of life and live with Him forever.Hallelujah! Ndubuisi Okorie, Nigeria

    • Ndubuisi Okorie
    • Nigeria
    • 01/30/2023373