Messages from Coworkers
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Post a messageDear coworkers Hope we are good by the grace of God I want to inform you if we must go on to preach this beautiful Gospel everywhere because myriad of people are lost by lacking good Gospel of water and spirit.And great thing is to start building the Churches.
The Lord bless the ministry indeed. Thank you for your support in providing the bulk book shipping to Zambia so far. I`m delighted that all orders that we placed at the beginning of the year have been fulfilled in accordance with your guidance to make bulk orders. Almost 20,000 books. In addition to those that you have shipped through others, we look forward with prayerful anticipation of God bringing many into his house as his children as they acknowledge themselves to be sinners and receive remission of sin and be reconciled at true peace with God. There`s no greater joy for us than to be the ornamental knobs, the donkeys that carry the burden of the Lord`s desire that no man in Zambia should perish, but that before many people`s physical lives end in Zambia, they come to rationally and correctly believe the gospel of water and the Spirit to escape the wrath of Judgment. For this cause we prayerfully distribute the books even in our weakness and in insufficiency by faith and his power, especially to the Lost sheep. Thank you for your unwavering exemplary commitment of support as our predecessors. Jerry Sakala, Zambia
Sometimes, I really hate promises cause it takes patience that really hurts me a lot. Especially the empty promises that have no guarantees to be fulfilled. But fortunately, there`s a real promise that has its guaranties to be fulfilled in Christ who is the fulfillment of God`s promise and will perform all the promises that He has promised us!! In life, there`s a moment when God puts us in a difficult moment to teach us the patience for waiting for the fulfillment of His promises. And this patience is part of the fruit of the Spirit that we should bear as a Child of God. Everything that we are going through is meant to train and mold us to bear more fruits in God`s kingdom as we are still abiding with Christ, who is the true wine `John 15` through our faith in His baptism that unites us with His death and His resurrection. NISI CHRISTOPHINE FENOSAMBATRA, MADAGASCAR
BEING BORN AGAIN Hello friend, do you know what is to be born again,Do you know Nicodemus also asked that,In John 3:5 Jesus Christ answered,He said being born again is being born of the water and Spirit,He confirmed that being born again is not going back to the mother`s womb,And being born the second time,But ally do you understand what is to be born of the water and the Spirit?To be born of the water and the Spirit is to believe that Jesus Christ bore all our sins,How? Through the laying on of hands of John the Baptist.Why John the Baptist? John the Baptist was the representative of all humankind,John laying his hands on Jesus passed all our sins, past, present and future sins.Still to be born of the water and the Spirit you should believe that Jesus Christ died for us to pay for them for the wages of sin is death,His blood was shed and there came forgiveness of sins,To be precise, to be born of the water and the Spirit is to believe that all our sins were taken away by Christ,And Jesus was judged and died for our sins so we could be sanctified once and for all and be forgiven,Once you believe in this the Holy Spirit dwells in you because the heart becomes free from sins through faith,The Holy Spirit cannot dwell in a sinful heart,One can never be born again by just believing in Jesus Christ,One has to believe in His works of providing us perfect salvation,Don`t call yourself a Christian or a believer if you don`t believe in Christ and His work,And Don`t forget John 3:5 that says unless one is born of the water and the Spirit, he shall not enter the kingdom of God.By Vonnie NlmTo be born of the water and the Spirit, visit www.bjnewlife.org
In the year 2012, I believed that I was born again under the Romans Catholic Church doctrine and they me now you’ve been born again, you need to start doing good things, by then I was 16 years old. So I was brought up with the knowledge of self-righteousness meaning I had to start doing this and that, and stop doing this and that in order to live a righteous life. Furthermore, during the foundation class I was taught that Jesus took my sins on the cross and I went on believing this in my heart with the Zeal that I was doing the work of God without knowing that it was an incomplete salvation. Not until, I met the true gospel of the Water and the Spirit in the year 2013 from true servants of God. They asked me a question saying on which occasion did Jesus take away our sins? My answer was based on the knowledge which I acquired from the foundation class. Thinking that I was born again by believing in the gospel of the cross. Finally, they start telling me on how Jesus took away my sins by quoting Mark 7v20-23. I liked this scripture, it showed just how weak and evil we are as human beings [the true nature]. But for me to have the clear understanding, they brought in the Old Testament on how God appointed Aaron to be the high priest of the children of Israel and to stand as the representative. They quoted this scripture Leviticus 16v20-22 and they connect it to the New Testament in Matt 3v13-15, that John was the last high priest of the earth and the representative of mankind. Jesus Christ took our sins on his baptism by the laying on of hands by John the Baptist and He was judged for our sins on the cross for the wages of sin is death, and He didn’t die only but He also resurrected. When you believe in this Gospel of the Water and the Spirit [John 3v1-5] that’s when you’ll see and enter into the kingdom of God. I thank God because it was easy for me to believe the Gospel of the Water and the Spirit. After I heard about the gospel of the Water and the Spirit, I was not separated from the worldly Christianity for 8 years and within that period from 2013 to 2021. I experienced a lot of things, when one believes in the gospel of the Water and the Spirit and decides to stay away from the true Church of God but be with the worldly Church the Gospel of Water and the Spirit [the Love of God] will not be evident, the reason being you’ll be mixing it with the worldly gospel, not only that; it’s very easy to forget about the Gospel of Life. But when you separate yourself from the worldly Christianity and unite with the Church of God that’s when you can see the power of the Gospel of Water and the Spirit. In the year 2022, I thank God for separating me from the worldly Church to unite me with His church and my faith has been different from old faith I believed in the unknown Jesus [incompletely gospel] but now I have the complete gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord, This is He who came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ not by water only, but water and blood. And it is the Spirit who bears witness, because the Spirit is Truth [1John5v6]. I thank God for this Gospel of Life and as well as for entrusting Rev PAUL C. JONG with this true Gospel. Langson Phiri, Zambia
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