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Total 268
  • No. 43

    Woe to all you spiritual Pharisees.

    There is a vast difference between someone who believes in the righteousness of God with their head, and someone who believes in it with their heart.  What is wrong is wrong, and what is right is right!  With God there are no half measures.   Just believing half-heartedly is no faith at all.   John 8:31-32.   If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed.  And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Only a true disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ can and will abide in His word whole-heartedly.  Because they have discovered the truth, they have become free from the lies and deception from the teachings of the Pharisees of this world.   To believe half-heartedly can only lead to one thing, you will be only able to speak half-truths. If any one’s faith is in this state, then they are not free and they also have no ability to set any one else free. If your own life is made up of half-truths, therefore your faith can be likened unto the waves of the sea, when everything is calm around you, you say this is because of the Holy Spirit dwelling within you. But when trouble or danger strikes you begin to doubt your faith, and you are thrown about like a small boat in the middle of a raging tempest, fearful that you will sink and drown. There are people who either do not know about or believe in the Gospel of the water and the Spirit, they are the ones who have not yet received salvation from sin. On the other hand, those who do know and believe in the righteousness of God whole-heartedly, have nothing to fear from the lies and deceptions from today’s Pharisees. Can you imagine the consequences of only telling a half-truth to someone asking you, is this water clean enough for me to swim in, and answering yes, knowing well that the water is full of crocodiles, but saying nothing of that danger. Because your faith is only half-hearted you are incapable of telling the whole truth. This is just how dangerous today’s Pharisees are, from the outside they look innocent, but on the inside the sins of the heart are still intact. To follow anyone or to seek advice from someone who’s faith is in this state will only lead to your death and destruction. Luke 11:42.   But woe to you Pharisees! For you tithe mint and rue all manner of herbs, and pass by justice and the love of God. These you ought to have done, without leaving the others undone. Our Lord is telling us here that the Pharisees served Him with material things.  The Pharisees at that time were thorough in every aspect of following the law, but the tithe of mint and rue and all manner of herbs spoken of here means only a tithe of all material things.  They were very thorough in their tithing to God.  They gave faithfully a tenth part of everything to God, saying, this is Gods, and this is also Gods.  They also kept one day of the week as Gods day, the Sabbath.  Whatever they did outwardly, they did with their faith.  What did our Lord say about this faith of theirs? They do all these things well, but they forget and pass by on the justice and the love of God. God has warned such Pharisees, He said, woe to you!  The wrath of God will be upon those who are like these Pharisees. So who then are today’s Spiritual Pharisees?  They are those who do not believe that Jesus Christ is their Savior who blotted out all their sins at once through the Gospel of the water and the Spirit, even though they believe in God.  They are the ones who do not believe in the perfect redemption of the Lord, they are those who believe in God while still having sin in their heart. The Spiritual Pharisees of today are those who only believe in a half gospel.  They believe only in the blood and the Cross for their redemption.  When someone preaches with this half faith, then he or she can only preach with half-truths.  This will only have the same result as someone taking on faith that the water was clean enough to swim in, only to be eaten alive by a crocodile. This is what happens when our faith is only half-hearted.  All our efforts, all our time and energy, all our finances, all our prayers, and all our thanks giving will all have been in vain. Only when you believe with all your heart, your soul, and your mind in the redemption work done by the baptism Jesus received from John in the Jordan river, and His blood on the Cross, can you say with certainty that you are no longer a Spiritual Pharisee.  When your faith is in this state, you will survive all the attacks, all the abuse, all the hate, and all the rejection which will be thrown at you.  You will only survive under every circumstance when you truly believe in our Lord who became the righteousness of God the instant that John the Baptist placed his hands onto the head of Jesus.  This was the moment that all righteousness was fulfilled. From this moment in time came the first era of the white horse into play. Revelation 6:1-2.  Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, Come and see.  And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. This is the era where God speaks of the establishment of the gospel of the  water and the Spirit in Jesus Christ as Gods plan do deliver mankind from sin, and of the victory of this plan.  Gods plan to make mankind into His people by saving them from their sins began with the gospel of the water and the Spirit in Jesus Christ.  That is with the deliverance of mankind from sin through the baptism of Jesus and His blood on the Cross. This era of the white horse refers to Gods victory in the righteous war of the gospel that He fulfilled to deliver mankind from all its sins.  This also tells us that the gospel of the water and the Spirit will continue to triumph.  Revelation 6:3-4.    When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, Come and see.  Another horse, fiery red, went out. And It was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that the people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword. This tells us that during the second era set by God, the world will turn into Satan’s world.  The appearance of the red horse here means that the world would come under the dominion of Satan.  Satan has brought war to this world by taking away its peace.  Because of him, the world went through two world wars. Countless people lost their lives as a result, and those who survived have been living in a precarious state of broken peace ever since.  Even now, nations and states and even families, friends and neighbors all over the world mistrust each other and wage war against one another, shattering the peace in many places.  This era is the era of war and genocide. Revelation 6:5-6.   When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, Come and see.  So I looked and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand.  And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine. The third era that God speaks of is the era of the black horse, the era of physical and spiritual famine for mankind.  Throughout the world today, many people have not been saved because of their spiritual famine, and many are also dying from physical starvation.  This is why it is so important for us to know that we are now living in this third era, the era of the black horse.  When this era passes, we will enter into the fourth era, the era of the pale horse. Revelation 6:7-8.   When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, Come and see.  So I looked and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth. The fourth era set by God is the era of the pale horse. The Bible tells us that it is during this era that the Antichrist will begin his activities, and that this era is also the era of the martyrdom for the saints.  This is the time when the Antichrist will try to try to rob the saints of their true faith, and he will persecute and kill all those who do not worship him or will not receive his mark.  From then on, the world will come under the plight of the plagues of the seven trumpets. At this time the martyrdom of the saints is unavoidable. Revelation 6: 9-11.   When He opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they held.  And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, until you judge and avenge our blood on those who dwell on the earth.  Then a white robe was given to each of them; and it was said to them that they should rest a little while longer, until both the number of their fellow servants and their brethren, who would be killed as they were, was completed. The fifth era of God is the era of the saints resurrection and rapture. After this era will begin the Millennial Kingdom.  This passage tells us that we must all believe in the martyrdom, resurrection, and the rapture that awaits us, and that we must live by our faith and hope in the New Heaven and Earth that God has promised us. Revelation 6:12.   I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. The sixth era of God is the era of the destruction of the first world that God had created. It is at this time that the plagues of the seven bowls will descend upon the world, when the sun, the moon, and the stars will lose their light, and the earth will sink under water from earthquakes. Revelation 6:13.   And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when its shaken by a mighty wind. During this sixth era, destruction of the universe created by God will occur by the plagues of the seven bowls. A great confusion will engulf the world as the stars fall from the sky and the earth is turned over. Revelation 6:14.   Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. This verse is telling us that when the plagues of the seven bowls are poured, the sky will disappear as if it were a scroll being rolled up, and all the mountains and the islands will be moved out of their places, such disasters that indicate the earth shattering changes that will alter the very physical structure of the world. Revelation 6:15.   And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, During this era of the sixth seal, when God pours the plagues of the seven bowls, there will be no one living on this earth, neither kings nor the powerful, who will not tremble in fear at the wrath of the lamb,and said to the mountains and rocks Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! The wrath of God will be so great that all mankind will tremble in fear. This will be the first and the last time that every one of mankind will be struck by fear. Revelation 6:17.   For the great day of his wrath has come, and who was able to stand. When the plagues of the seven bowls are poured, everyone, regardless of how powerful or strong, will tremble in fear of the great disasters that will descend upon them from the wrath of God above. There is no one who can stand before the wrath of God without fear. What then is the seventh era? The seventh era set by God is the era in which the saints will live in the Millennial Kingdom, to be followed by the New Heaven and Earth in which they will live forever. All of these happenings in the book of Revelation chapter six are whole-truths, not half-truths.  If your faith is only built on half-truths just as the faith of the Pharisees, then you can do no more than live in the lie which has deceived you, therefore you can only preach your false gospel built on half-truths.  You will fall, you will stumble and you will take the mark of the Antichrist when the time comes. You won’t be able to use your half-truths to get out of that one. There is only one whole-truth about your salvation, and that is in the true gospel of the water and the Spirit in the baptism, the blood on the Cross, and the death and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ who became the righteousness of God. There can be no half-heartedness or half-truths in the salvation of mankind, this deception is what has killed today’s Christianity.  Half–truths and half-lies.  This is the work of the Pharisees. It is wrong to alter Gods written word under any circumstances.  It is right to obey the righteousness of God. This is the time when the truly born again Saints must stand up for the truth, we must reveal and destroy the half-truths and the half-lies, and reveal all of those who are only deceiving mankind into believing that by altering Gods will or words in any way what so ever will save them. It will only lead to their destruction. In the Old Testament God gave His people His laws so that they could know what sin was, then He gave them the means to have their sins forgiven, sin transference onto the head of the offer lamb before the flowing of blood.   In the new testament Jesus came to fulfill the law by giving mankind the only means to receive forgiveness for sin for once and for all.  By His baptism and His blood on His Cross. Revelation 6:9.  God is clearly telling us here about the souls who have already perished to keep His word of truth alive, also about the souls who have perished for preaching the gospel of the water and the spirit.  They knew no half-truths. We must never forget!  God is just, His judgments are just, but His mercy and His grace always came first. It’s not too late to discover this truth about today’s Pharisees and how to recognize them for who and what they are.  You can tell them by their half-truths. If you desire to discover the whole-truth about your salvation and how to obtain it before it is too late, then just hit the book request button above and order your free book/s.  These books written by Rev. Paul C. Jong will lead you to the whole-truth in Gods written word which will set you free. God has already been merciful and graceful, next comes His judgment! Pastor & EvangelistJim Montgomerie The New Life MissionHolland : BranchLelystad Church.

    • Pastor Jim Montgomerie
    • Netherlands
    • 05/04/202150311
  • No. 42

    I know God loves me and He judged His son for me.

    I was a christian for as long as I can remember but a lot of things confused me as far as christian is concerned.I didn't know if I'll go to heaven.I comforted myself by thinking eventually I'll be born again,I had a wrong concept about the holy spirit and I highly respected people who spoke in tounges and perfomed miracles at some point I wanted to be like them.But I was drowning deep in confusion.Then the big question hit me.What does it mean to be born again? I couldn't find the answers unti I read Paul C Jong's book,The first edition hit home. It opened my eyes and I needed more, my heart found peace and I knew, THIS IS IT! I learned how God judged His Only Son instead of me.I came to understand the terbanacle,the high priests,John the Baptist. I was not intrested before to read and understand the book of Levitikus,it was confusing.I never thought it had so much important facts about our salvation,the reminission of my sins. I didn't know it had conection with the baptism of Jesus,let alone Jesus. I wondered how am I gonna get to heaven with all the sins I commit everyday,that made me to give up and told myself I will never make it to heaven.Its only for the rich pastors who speak in toungues and perfom miracles.But Now I know I have a chance,I won't stand in shame before God, I am Rightous.I want my children to learn about the gospel of the water and the spirit,that's is the very best I can do for them,to be born again by the water and spirit.Thank you Paul C Jong for this revelation God bless you.I know God loves me and He judged His son for me.Leonard Ngceba, South Africa

    • Leonard Ngcebe
    • South Africa
    • 05/04/202150465
  • No. 41

    Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

    Revelation 3:15-21.   I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.  So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth.  Because you say. I am rich, have become wealthy, and have need of nothing, and do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind, and naked.  I council you to buy from Me gold refined in the fire, that you may be rich; and white garments, that you may be clothed, that the shame of your nakedness may not be revealed; and anoint your eyes with eye salve, that you may see.  As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therefore be zealous and repent.  Behold I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.  To him who overcomes I will grant to sit with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne. In the seven letters to the seven Churches our Lord makes it very clear what He requires of them! Only to those who overcome shall all things be granted. Today’s worldly Christianity is a farce, and has been made a laughingstock because of Church leaders, it’s Ministers, Preachers, Pastors, Evangelists, Theologians, Apostles, Teachers, and even down to the Sunday school Teachers.  All of them have been misled and are only fooling themselves and misleading others.  Gods people need to overcome them. They are being tainted by what they are saying. 2 Corinthians 11:13-15.   For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ.  And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also transform themselves into ministers of righteousness, whose end will be according to their works. Today’s Church leaders may outwardly look and act like they are ministers of our Lord Jesus, but they are nothing more than wolves in sheep’s clothing.  This is a hard accusation but a true one. The proof of this is in Gods written Word, and their actions speak louder than their own words.  They refuse to accept our Lord who became the righteousness of God through His baptism and His blood on the Cross.  There is no love for Christ in them, if there was they would seek His written word.  They will not listen to or receive correction from Gods written word.  This is the mark of a traitor. You can know a person well by what comes out of their mouth. Luke 11:44.   Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like graves which are not seen, and the men who walk over them are not aware of them. These are the blind ministers leading the blind.  These are the graves which lead others straight to hell. Jesus is warning us all that those graves are not seen ( wolves in sheep’s clothing ) The blind cannot see that they are being led astray, deceived, lied to, and being led to eternal death. Jesus is also warning all of us that because you are blind, you cannot understand how these people are false ministers.  These wolves are crafty and they seem to be skillful, with all their memorized Bible verses they appear to be well educated in the ways of righteousness.  Beware, for it is they who are walking over your grave. Dear readers, you need to understand one thing very clearly. Those Church leaders who will not accept our Lord who became the righteousness of God by the gospel of the water and the Spirit are those who refuse to be corrected by Gods written Word. But at the same time they try to convince you that they are from God.  Beware for it is Satan who has convinced them of who they believe they are. Look at how Jesus himself took care of such people: John 8:43-47.   Why do you not understand my speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word.  You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.  But because I tell the truth, you do not believe me?  Which of you convicts Me of sin? And if I tell the truth, why do you not believe Me?  He who is of God hears God’s words; therefore you do not hear, because you are not of God. Many people refused to accept the word and the teachings of Jesus, they all perished.  Today, those who play at being Church leaders have much to answer for. Unless they are willing to turn around and accept the written word of God as a child would, they and all their followers will also perish. God’s people need to hear the truth. Look around you at the state the world is in. Look at what is being allowed to take place in the worldly Churches. Look at who and what is being instated as Church leaders. Look at how the unbelievers laugh at Christianity.  Why should an unbeliever want to become a Christian when the Christians are seen to be no different from the unbelievers. Gods people need to be able to hear the voice of our Lord, but how can they? Where can they go to hear God’s voice? Who is able to preach to them the righteousness of God? God’s people need to be able to call upon Him, but they can’t.  Why?  Satan and his lies is why. There is no one humble enough to accept God’s written word as a child would. And this is why the Churches are full of people, they are being told what they want to hear. Matthew 18:3-5.   Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are converted and become as little children, you will by no means enter the Kingdom of heaven. Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the Kingdom of heaven.  Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me. Romans 10:14-15.   How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher?  And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things! How then do you tell the difference between a Preacher of good tidings and a wolf in sheep’s clothing? 1 Corinthians 15:33.   Do not be deceived: Evil company corrupts good habits. Those who refuse to humble themselves and believe as a child in our Lord who became the righteousness of God through His baptism and His Blood on His Cross, are the ones who are being deceived by Satan himself. They are the wolves in sheep’s clothing. These are the ones who are keeping company with evil. These are the ones who are preaching a corrupt gospel.  These are the ones who are keeping Gods people from entering the Kingdom of heaven. There is only one gospel which can guarantee gods people entrance into the Kingdom of God, and that is the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Only a  preacher who preaches these good tidings has been sent by God to preach. For only the gospel of the water and the Spirit can bring you peace. John 1:29.   Behold, The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. John 8:32.   And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. Christians! Stop being deceived, come out from your evil company, they are only corrupting you.  What you must do is seek the scriptures yourself and stop being manipulated by the wolves. If you dare to humble yourself and accept the truth as little children, only then will you become free to call on our Lord. Do not hesitate any longer, order your free books on how to become truly born again of water and the Spirit. Rev. Paul C. Jong humbled himself as a child and accepted the truth, now he is a true preacher sent by God to spread the good news of peace between man and his Maker.  The only way is the true way, by the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Pastor & EvangelistJim Montgomerie The new Life MissionHolland : BranchLelystad.

    • Pastor Jim Montgomerie
    • Netherlands
    • 05/04/202150867
  • No. 40

    Who can not be found in other Christian writers.

    To endeavor to educate our fellow menProposal: Use those jewels , blessings and revelations from the book Paul C. Jong , who can not be found in other Christian writers. Use short paragraphs that are real answers to the questions of the modern Christian world .We should take advantage of it summed places that are full of blessings in books , where there are direct answers to questions that are used to readers of the Bible have set ourselves and have not found an appropriate response.My suggestion is related to one of the ways could be interested biblical seekers and random readers . It would certainly be excerpts from those parts of the book Paul C. Jong reveal exactly where they replied that nowhere else can not be found.Here are the answers to the questions why Christ was baptized in his 30 years as a world cleansed of sins , why was tempted in the wilderness , and how he brought the eternal and perfect sacrifice for the atonement of sins .Books by Paul C. Jong contain a blessing and revelation. Those are pearls that can not be found in books of other Christian writers.What is revealed? Not only that Christ fulfilled the law and the prophets, but it is perfectly followed the system of sacrifices prescribed by the heavenly Father. In this we can convince the books of Paul C. Jong's. Just as the sacrificial system pointed to the perfect sacrifice, just as Christ was followed and met victims of a system that would once and for always offered up himself to eternal sacrifice of reconciliation. Christ has also taken over and clergy working mediation between us and our heavenly Father.Today, if Christians asked the question: "Do you know why Christ was baptized at the age of 30?" They replied that Christ so clearly that we should not baptize infants and babies because Christ should be accepted in full awareness and understanding. They do not know that Jesus was also the goat for Azazel tempted in the wilderness, and also do not know how to connect what is a parallel system of sacrifices with Christ, the Levitical priesthood and the way of sacrifice, which is also applied to Jesus.This would be entitled to many little revelation as it is for all of us was when we read about in the books of Paul C. Jong. It is a really beautiful and underlined that can not be found anywhere else in some Christian books. I believe that people would like to know. They should be present and to ask questions of the area and indicate the places in the books NLM where the answer is. This might well be the reason for the need to study the books of Paul C. Jong and to officially put into its proper place as it should serve as educationally tool for every Christian.Christ is God's blessing,Nenad Kostic, Serbia

    • Nenad Kostic
    • Serbia
    • 05/04/202150585
  • No. 39

    A new being in Christ

    The best thing I have learnt is to discern the will of the Lord in my  life. The first step to discerning God's will is to understand deeply the meaning of the baptism of Jesus and his cross. Jesus taught his disciples on how to pray in Luke 11:1-13.This was the first step in discerning God's will in their life.A Christian without prayer is like that house built on sand and the wind may sway it away at any moment. Luke 11:9-13, has three prerequisites for discerning God's will. That is,Ask,Seek and knock. If you seek,you shall find if you ask it shall be given to you and if you knock,the door shall be opened for you to get in and share with the Lord. Revelation 3:20 records  that, " Behold, am standing on the door knocking, of anyone hears my voice and opens the door for me I will get in and dine with him." For one to live a life that is Godly driven,he must be ready to listen to the voice of the Lord. In many occasions Christ has wanted to speak to us about his will but we have kept on paying attention to other voice emanating from the devil who is a lier.Learn to discern God's will by lessening to the true voice from God.

    • Ezekiel Kirwa
    • Kenya
    • 05/04/202149572