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Total 268
  • No. 248

    Circumcision is that of the heart.

    We are made righteous by believing with our hearts that God is our God, our Savior. We are saved by believing with our hearts. We are not saved by anything else. We have become righteous by believing with our hearts that God is our God and He blotted out all our sins with the baptism of Jesus and His death on the Cross. Believing with our hearts saves us.

    • Sichembe Gilbert
    • Zambia
    • 03/26/202464
  • No. 247

    The Baptism of Jesus Christ: Why Was Jesus baptized?

    The Baptism of Jesus Christ: Why Was Jesus baptized?John the Baptist was a human being like us. He was also marked with sins and weaknesses. However, he also believed in the Saviour Jesus Christ who would come, be baptized by him and crucified and rise again to solve away all his sins and the sins of the whole world.On the other hand, Jesus Christ is God Himself who came wearing our human flesh.Because John the Baptist realized that he was lowly man before Jesus Christ. He could not understand why a lowly man like him could lay his hands on God`s head to baptize Him. As a man he was wondering why he himself must do this, and whether or not there`s no other way for Jesus Christ to take away the sins of the world. But could there be any other way for the sins of the world to passed onto Jesus Christ? No, because the Old Testament`s sacrificial system of laying on of hand is a shadow of Jesus Christ baptism.So Jesus Christ commanded John the Baptist saying “Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness.” Then he allowed Him. (Matthew 3:15)In this verse Jesus said "for thus", this means "in this way", "there is no other way but this". Like this Jesus Christ Himself told John the Baptist to go ahead and lay his two hands on His head and baptize Him so that He could receive all the sins of the whole world onto Himself. He said there was no other way He could have all the sins of the world sins transfer to His body except through His baptism. And John allowed Jesus to be baptized by him.Then the next day after baptizing Jesus Christ, John witnessed as He saw Him walking by and said to people around him "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world." (John 1:29). John the Baptist could bear such witness because he actually passed the sins of the world onto Jesus`s head through the baptism he gave Him just `yesterday.`Furthermore, before Jesus Christ was crucified He went to a place called Gethsemane. There He prayed to God Father three times for the cup of the suffering of crucifixion to be taken away from Him. He was also asking God the Father whether or not there could not be another way for the judgment of sins to be paid apart from crucifixion. Jesus Christ came in likeness of human flesh, He could understand the pains He was about to suffer in His flesh. But just as there is no other way for Jesus to take away our sins except through the baptism He received from John the Baptist, there is also no other way for Him to pay the wages of the sins except through His death on the Cross.Like this, the gospel of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River and His blood of the Cross is as clear as crystal. The faith in the baptism of Jesus Christ is necessary to our salvation.But now, have you come in contact with this beautiful gospel of the water and the Spirit?Visit our website today and download any of our books on the

    • Ndubuisi Okorie
    • Nigeria
    • 03/10/202496
  • No. 246

    The Baptism of Jesus Christ and its Role in Your Salvation

    The baptism of Jesus Christ is necessary for your salvation and in the near future, faith in the baptism of Jesus Christ will turn you into a believer who is courageous like Joseph of Arimathea to face the Antichrist.Joseph of Arimathea was a staunch follower of Jesus Christ and a believer in the gospel of the baptism and bloodshed of Jesus Christ. He was also waiting for the Kingdom of God.After Jesus was crucified, all His disciples deserted Him and no one wanted to identify with Him. And even Peter His best disciple denied Him three times. The Scripture was fulfilled which said "‘I will strike the Shepherd, And the sheep of the flock will be scattered.’" (Matthew 26:31, Zachariah 13:7).It was at such a moment that Joseph of Arimathea courageously approached Pilate and asked him to hand over the body of Jesus Christ to him. Nothing could make someone so bold and courageous like this if not faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. It will happen again, in the end time, Antichrist will emerge and threaten everyone in this world to betray Jesus Christ and to rather worship him or face death. At that moment, the believers in the baptism of Jesus Christ will courageously embrace their martyrdom to defend their faith in the gospel of the water and the Spirit.Why is the baptism of Jesus Christ so important? The baptism of Jesus is the only way through which the sins of the whole world were passed onto Him.In John 3:5 Jesus said to Nicodemus “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God."In this gospel of the water and the Spirit, the water refers to the baptism that Jesus received from John the Baptist in the Jordan River. John the Baptist passed all the sins of the world to Jesus through the baptism he gave Him, and that is why the next day after baptizing Jesus, John the Baptist saw Him passing by and said "Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" (John 1:29). It means that all the sins of the world were transferred to Jesus Christ when He was baptized by John the Baptist in the Jordan River at the age 30. The baptism of Jesus Christ, alongside His bloodshed on the Cross, His resurrection and His being God Himself make up the gospel of the water and the Spirit we are now preaching all over the world. You too my online friends, can have this bold faith that can face the Antichrist in the near future by believing in the gospel of the water and the Spirit. Download our free books on the gospel of the water and the Spirit today by going

    • Ndubuisi Okorie
    • Nigeria
    • 03/04/202481
  • No. 245


    NDIKUPEREKA MATHOKOZO ANGA CHIFUKWA CHA UBATIZO WANU, IMFA KOMANSO KUUKA, KUDZERA MU BUKU1 LAPA INTANETI.O Ambuye, O Ambuye, kodi dzina Lanu ndi lolemekezeka bwanji lomwe ndi loposa maina onse. Pakuti kudzera mu mphamvu ya dzina Lanu, Inu mwatipatsa ife moyo wopanda uchimo. Inde Ambuye kudzera mu mphamvu ya dzina Lanu lomwe limanyamula Machitidwe Anu olungama a ubatizo Wanu omwe Inu mudalandira kuchokera kwa Yohane Mbatizi kuti mutenge Machimo onse adziko lapansi, ndipo ndi mwazi Wanu wamtengo wapatali omwe Inu munakhetsa pa mtanda Inu munalipira mphotho ya machimo athu, komanso ndi kuuka Kwanu kumene ife tapezera moyo watsopano, moyo wopanda uchimo. O Ambuye Mulungu wathu, kodi ndife ndani kuti tikane mau anu, ndife chabe zolengedwa Zanu Atate, amene tikufunika kokha kuvomereza khalidwe lathu pamaso Panu. Kodi ndife ndani monga munthu? Ndife obadwa ochimwa ndi mitundu yathu 12 ya machimo okhazikika m’mitima mwathu komanso ndi malingaliro olakwika, ndipo chifukwa cha chimenechi ulendo wathu siwina koma opita ku gahena popanda zotsutsa zilizonse. O Ambuye, ngati Inu mutiitana ife ochimwa ndiye kuti ndithudi ndife ochimwa, ndipo ngati inu mutiitana ife olungama, ndiye kuti ndithudi ndife olungama. Motero ndi mau Anu a Lamulo, ndikuvomereza kuti ndine obadwa ochimwa, monga ndinatengera uchimo kuchokera kwa makolo anga Adamu ndi Hava. Koma tsopano O Ambuye, ndikuvomereza molimba mtima kuti ndine olungama, inde O Ambuye ndine olungama osati chifukwa sindinachite uchimo, kapena ndapereka chinachake cha ine ndekha kuti ndikhale opanda uchimo, Ai! Ndine olungama chifukwa chakuti ndazidziwa ndekha kubadwa ochimwa pamaso Panu O Ambuye, ndipo chifukwa cha chimenechi, Inu mwavumbulutsa njira imodzi komanso yokhayo yomwe ine ndapulumukira ku machimo anga onse. Inu mwandipulutsa ine ndi ubatizo Wanu umene Inu munalandira kuchokera kwa Yohane Mbatizi, Mkulu Wansembe wotsiriza padziko lapansi komanso woimirira wa ife tonse mtundu wa anthu amene ndi obadwa ochimwa, iye anapereka machimo athu pa thupi lanu lolungama monga Mkulu Wansembe wotsiriza ndipo Inu modzichepetsa mudalandira iwo O Ambuye, kenako Inu mudakhala ndi uchimo chifukwa cha ife, Inu amene simunadziwe uchimo uliwonse. Machimo anga amene Inu mudalandira pa ubatizo Wanu kuchokera kwa Yohane Mbatizi, anakupangitsani Inu kuvutika mwankhanza pa Mtanda, kulipira mphotho ya machimo anga pokhetsa kwa mwazi Wanu wamtengo wapatali kuti mundipatse ine chikhululukiro chonse cha machimo anga monga Yohane 19:30 amatsimikizira icho chonse. Kenako Inu munaukanso kuti mundipatse ine moyo watsopano mwa Inu, ndiye kuti moyo wopanda uchimo uliwonse konse, osati ngakhale banga la uchimo latsala mu mtima mwanga. Pakuti Inu munasesa uwo onse ndi ubatizo Wanu, imfa ndi kuuka Kwanu. Motero ndikukuthokozani Inu Ambuye, chifukwa cha uthenga wabwino wa madzi ndi Mzimu pa moyo wanga. Amen.

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 02/03/2024148
  • No. 244


    I GIVE MY THANKS FOR YOUR BAPTISM, DEATH AND RESURRECTION, THROUGH EBOOK1.O Lord, O Lord, how excellent is your name that is above all names. For through the power of your name, you have given us a sinless life. Yes Lord through the power of your name which carries your righteous Acts of your baptism which you had received from John the Baptist to take away all the Sins of the world, and by your precious blood you shed on the cross you paid the wages of our sins, and by your resurrection through which we have attained the newness of life, a life without sin. O Lord our God, what are we to reject your word, we are only your creatures Father, who only need to admit our nature before you. What are we as man? We are born sinners with our 12 kinds of sins intact in our hearts and with corruptive minds, and because of it our destination is none other going to hell without any objections. O Lord, if you call us sinners we are definitely sinners, and if you call us righteous, then we are definitely righteous. Thus by your word of the Law, I admit that am born sinful, am sinful by your Law not because I have committed sin, but am sinful because am born sinful, as I inherited sin from my foreparents Adam and Eve. But now O Lord, I boldly confess that I am righteous, Yes O Lord I am righteous not because I have not committed sin, or I have offered anything of my own to become sinless, No! I am righteous because I have known myself to be born sinful before you O Lord, and because of this, you have revealed the one and only way by which I am saved from all my sins. You have saved me by your baptism which you received from John the Baptist, the last high priest on earth and the representative of all of us mankind who are born sinful, he passed our sins onto your righteous body as the last high priest and you humbly accepted them O Lord, then you became with sins for our sake, you who didn’t not know any sin. My sins you received on your baptism from John the Baptist, led you to vicariously suffer on the cross, to pay for the wages of my sins by the shed of your precious blood to give me the complete forgiveness of my sins as John 19:30 confirms it all. Then you rose again on the third day to give me the newness of life in you, that is a life without any sin at all, not even a spot of sin is left in my heart. For you swept it all by your baptism, death and thy resurrection. Thus I thank you Lord, for the gospel of the water and the Spirit before my life. Amen.Brenda Tembo, Zambia

    • Brenda Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 01/30/2024124