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Total 261
  • No. 11

    How is your life and the Lord's works are there?

    How is your life and the Lord's works are there? We always pray for you. We are fine and the Lord's works is going well here by your prayers.On 12-13 of September we have Bible training in my house. The subjects I taught is " The gospel of the water and the Spirit and How to get salvation " More than 34 people come and studied God' Word with us. Many people were very happy when they heard the True gospel and some despise the gospel of the water and the Spirit. After 2 days Bible studied 3 women and 1 old man announced that they believed the gospel of the water and the Spirit saves us from my sins. Glory be to our God.Today we could bought 10 Akha Bibles. God has provided really we need in the ministry right now. Thank you for your love and prayers.Daniel Kapa, Myanmar 

    • Daniel Kapa
    • Myanmar
    • 05/04/202148293
  • No. 10

    Am I my brothers keeper ?

    Brethren !! Our gracious Father definitely doesn't like to hear it "Am I my brother's keeper?"Gen 4:9.Paul wrote to the church at Thessalonica, “And we urge you, brethren, to recognize those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love for their work's sake. Be at peace among yourselves. Now we exhort you, brethren, warn those who are unruly, comfort the faint-hearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all. See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all” 1Thessalonian 5:12-15.So, as truly born again children of God , we are to be our brother’s keeper. As Paul wrote, “Therefore let us pursue the things which make for peace and the things by which one may edify (build up) another” (Romans 14:19). Or shall we argue- Am I my brother's keeper?May our Living God bless all of us !!! In His service Michael Sg

    • Michael Sg
    • India
    • 05/04/202148402
  • No. 9

    I thank you Rev. Paul C. Jong, pastor’s, Savants and the members of the new life mission.

    I thank you Rev. Paul C. Jong, pastor’s, Savants and the members of the new life mission by supporting this task with all their hearts. My God bless you abundantly and give abundant spiritual and physical blessing for preaching the gospel of Jesus Baptism and his death on the cross. World wide by Christian literatures ministry, internet ministry I believe he will bless every one of us and to every one who believe in the gospel of Jesus Baptism and his death on the cross. Nothing is more urgent in our life than to understand the gospel of the water and the spirit, the gospel of sure salvation that no rationale or wisdom of this world can prove for this reason countless doctrines about salvation have risen and fallen and excessive devotion to these doctrines has been demanded as though they were truths. Many people have been confessing their salvation without the full knowledge of exactly how salvation was fulfilled in the life of the messiah, leaving aside important issues pertaining to it. Fundamentally speaking, the gospel truth of the water and the spirit is neither subjective nor dependant, but it is independent of all thing many people have taught the gospel of the cross as the truth of salvation numerous denominations and Christian communities have put forth their positions and opinions on salvation and they also have presented their own respective positions about the relevant issues on salvation to defend their doctrines. But this has only deepened confusion and countless people are now walking on the path to hell even as the light is shining on them like the broad daylight. This is mainly due to the prevalence of a haif – complete gospel that is the gospel of the gross alone when seen from inside the gospel of the water and the spirit. We can see while reading the scriptures that there were many different kinds of people among the people who followed Jesus at the time “there were some people who followed Jesus at the time Jesus just to receive bread to eat and there were some other people who followed him in order to be healed from their sickness but still others followed Jesus to receive the remission of sin. We the righteous who believe in the gospel of the water and the spirit must think before the presence of God about what should we truly do. We must make up our mind about what we must live for in our hearts as we live in this world the lord told us to work for the food that does not perish and not for the, food that perishes. We must understand what truly is the food that does not perish we must do God’s work based on his word. 

    • Kennedy Kausi
    • Kenya
    • 05/04/202148565
  • No. 8

    Thank you NLM.

    I am thankful to NLM for providing us with daily spiritual bread and wine although we are wide apart but reading NLM books i.e. eating our daily spiritual bread and wine refreshes my soul and strengthen me to walk this narrow road that leads us to eternal Kingdom of God.  Let us pray God to strengthen all our coworkers and the Ministry. Amen. God bless us all in the Gospel of Water & the Spirit. Amen. Yours Bro.Ev. Roshan Rai.

    • Roshan Rai
    • Bhutan
    • 05/04/202147925
  • No. 7

    the caterpillar

    a caterpillar lived among cabbage leaves,eating and causing anger to a farmer.he and his counterparts almost ate up the whole farm!he felt so guilty that he hid himself deep whenever he sensed intrusion.One day he hatched out to become a very beautiful butterfly,so beautiful that the farmer so much wanted to hold and adore him.he now didn't hide and eat cabbages but ate nectar from from beautiful flowers.he was now bold enough to fly about as he pleased,free!we are like the caterpillar, once we were caught up in sin that made us so guilty and filthy,god's righteousness made us to be like the butterfly!     

    • Edwin Ochieng
    • Kenya
    • 05/04/202148013