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Total 277
  • No. 27

    marrige for saints

    Before I became a saint, my wife and I got married to each other and they were traditional teachings about marriage that my wife and I were taught differently, on how treat each other and how to show respect to our parents more especially on the wedding day publicly by knelling down differently. Now that am a saint should we still observe these kinds of traditional teaching or mix them with that of a saint,pliz advice...

    • Patrick Tembo
    • Zambia
    • 05/04/202148488
  • No. 26

    I read it the Holy Spirit has open the eyes of my understanding to the scriptures.

    After all the experience of praying in Tongues , forty days of prayer and fasting , various all nights , deliverances  with different  Minister  and Prophets l still was not free from guilt of sin in my heart. I still had problem with lust and l was not free from the power of sin. I therefore began to look for solution from the Lord to help me to get an answer to my problem of guilt and sin in my heart. I prayed and read the Bible several times but l did not get an answer to the problem of completely overcoming sin in my heart. I was one day surfing  the internet when l came across the’ THE NEW LIFE MISSION’ Website and l got attracted to their books .I ordered the ‘fail free way to receive the Holy Spirit’. This book was the turning point to my hearing for the first time the true meaning of the gospel of water and of the Spirit. My understanding of the message of’ the water ‘ which is the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist in the Jordan river, which is the passing on to Jesus all the sins of humankind including all of my sins; past, present and future.  The’ the Blood’ which is full price paid for my sins by Jesus bleeding on the Cross of Calvary. ‘The Spirit’ Which is God coming in the form of man Jesus Christ born of a virgin Mary that is God incarnate carrying away all my sins and paying the full price by His dead Burial and Resurrection on the third day for my redemption. 1 John 5:4-8, John 3:1-8.My guilt and sin in my heart has been completely wiped away and l am clean as new born baby praise the Lord! The desire of Lust has been destroyed from my life and l can say of a certainty that I am free indeed. If the son of man shall set you free you shall be free indeed. I have also come to the realization that l now understand the bible clearly when I read it the Holy Spirit has open the eyes of my understanding to the scriptures.I am very thankful to God for this liberty that He has given to me through the gospel of water and Blood, by the New Life Mission lead by Rev. John Shin. I am now preaching this gospel to all manner of people great and small rich and poor in Ghana. My life and ministry has never been the same ever since. Amen!Sylvester Padi Odoi, Ghana

    • Sylvester Padi Odoi
    • Ghana
    • 05/04/202148690
  • No. 25

    Once again I am happy to write my testimony and what our God is doing in our lives.

    Once again I am happy to write my testimony and what our God is doing in our lives. While groping in the sin sick world (darkness). Fortunately I found Jesus Christ as my personal savior. After completion of my school education under gone vocational Teachers’ training hence I have been longed for or was seeking for an employment. But all my efforts were vain.Because of my vain efforts I was desperate. So that I gave up all my attempts to secure a job. Because of my sinful thoughts or my unknowing causes, my two knees swelled like anything. I could not fold my legs. It is even hard to attend for nature calls.Most of the physicians could not diagnose. But my uncle suggested me to attend church, but unwillingly happened to attend. Where the church elders along with local pastor prayed over me for the deliverance. Our Lord miraculously touched me with healing power. But I could not realize. The very next Sunday certain Pastor spoke the word of God on the text, “ But seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. “ (Mat.6:33)As I was guilty, the spirit of God convicted me to confess all my known sins and Baptized in the water for the remission of my sins. Without proper understanding i.e. on 5th November 1961.Due to obscurity I could not feel the fullness of the blessings until I found the great truth revealed to Rev.Paul C. Jong. Fortunately the year 2006 is mile stone in my life. In a certain gospel meetings some body distributed the book entitled ‘HAVE YOU TRULY BEEN BORON AGAIN OF WATER AND THE SPIRIT? As I have been longed after the Truth, so that the spirit of God open my blind folded eyes to understand the truth hidden to me years together.Our Lord was baptized and crucified for us, as written in Mathew 3. This is what the Lord has done for us. I believe in it. When Jesus was baptized all our sins were passed unto Him. When He was crucified, it was because HE took upon all our sins that He could carry these sins to the cross. He was judged for not only our own sins, but all the sins of the entire world.Coming to this earth in the flesh of a man, when our Lord turned 30, He was first baptized to take all our sins upon Himself. After having done so, He then carried these sins of the world to the cross, was judged with His crucifixion, and then rose from the dead again, thereby becoming our savior.As such, I ought to believe in what the Lord has done for me according to the order in which He fulfilled His works. And I have determined to spread the gospel to others, according to how He has set for us. I feel this is the first book of preaching of the gospel of water and the spirit in strict accordance with the scriptures. I realized that Man can’t enter the kingdom of Heaven without being born again of water and the spirit. To be born again means that a sinner is saved from all his life long sins by believing in the baptism of Jesus and His blood on the cross. So that as I convinced I believe in the gospel of the water and the spirit to enter the kingdom of heaven as the righteous without sin. I suppose this is more than enough. Please continue to pray for us and for the ministry. I hope you may do favor some thing for our ministry. I am closing with much love and prayers.Your's Brother in Christ,Rev. G. Prasada Rao, India

    • Prasada Rao G.
    • India
    • 05/04/202148926
  • No. 24

    I always commit sin and my mind is full of hatred.

    Before i became a born again i dont know about Jesus i always commit sin and my mind is full of hatred, as a matter of fact i have no faith even though i always praying and going to church, one day i ask my cousin who is born again, i found my curiosity about the  bible so i decided to barrowed it. it started in genesis then i found my self more interested to read a bible then suddenly i found the book of paul c jong then i tried to read it because i see that the covered is beutiful,, haha just kidding then when i read it,i  feel something in my heart and i started to cry because i read that jesus took away all of my sins when he baptist by john the baptist and crucified on the cross then after i finish the book i am eager to be baptist then it happen because of the help of my cousin. after i baptist im so happy i feel that i am free my faith today is so big that i always want to preach the gospel of water and the spirit to other people but i know this is not easy because most of the people here is so stubborn. but i know that god will always be with me no matter what happen, thank you new life mission because of the bible and the book i see the hope and the truth. thank you so much.Rassel Medina, Philippines

    • Rassel Medina
    • Philippines
    • 05/04/202148370
  • No. 23

    I am grateful to God that I can give this books to my friends and family.

    I am grateful to God that I can give this books to my friends and family, so that they too can belief and receive the remission of sins and be born again.Before this wonderful Gospel of Water and Spirit, I was always confused and doubtful about my salvation. I believed that at the cross Christ took my sins and I have to walk righteously everyday, then only I can go to heaven. I was law based and felt guilty each time I did wrong, whenever I loose my temper, I felt so condemned and would plead God to forgive me with much tears. I was never at peace, my life was in shambles. Always looking for ways to please God, thinking that will off set my wrongdoings. It was all about me and nothing about God. I realize now that I was working for my salvation. BUT NOW! What peace and joy my life is! THE GOSPEL OF WATER AND SPIRIT has liberated me to worship my LORD GOD in spirit and in truth. I am nothing HE IS EVERYTHING! I place my faith in the perfect finished work of CHRIST. From His Baptism to His Resurrection! I am forever clean even when I make mistakes, for I know now my Lord Jesus Christ took my sins once for all at His baptism, walked 3 years for me and paid the penalty for me at the cross, rose and is seated in the heavenly realms. by believing His Word I too share in His baptism and death. I died with Him and rose with Him and am seated with Him. I am forever sanctified in Christ. Father God sees Christ in me and I in Him. I no longer feel guilty or condemned, whenever I walk in the flesh, I thank the Lord that even that has been laid on the body of Christ.I don't struggle to live right because He lives in me. I just keep my eyes on Him. I love to talk about His goodness and faithfulness all the time. The word of God is always bringing me to the gospel of water and spirit. How good God is to have kept me to receive this truth, now when I am 60 years old. And I know He will use me to spread this true GOSPEL.I can go on and on Pastor John because our God is so GOOD.Bless you.getha patrick, Malaysia

    • getha patrick
    • Malaysia
    • 05/04/202148584
The New Life Mission


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