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  • No. 2

    Ministry News

    As we all know, we are not living in normal times due to the COVID-19 pandemic which has so far claimed millions of lives to the tune of Two Million, Eight Hundred and Sixty Five Thousand, Nine Hundred and Sixty Seven (2,865,967). This is a huge and alarming number which is not a joke. And it keeps on multiplying each and every passing day. But despite this, we still have to carry on the work of spreading the true gospel of the water and the Spirit. For these are the times when people even need God the most. And there are so many ways to do this work.“DEATH” is inevitable (unavoidable) to every human being since God has appointed for every human to die once and to face judgment afterwards (Hebrews 9:27). Therefore “DEATH” is not actually the problem, but when people “DIE” without receiving the everlasting “Remission of sins” through “FAITH” in the “RIGHTEOUS” work of Jesus Christ, that is where the problem is. But how can people receive the “Remission” when there are no preachers or propagators of the true gospel of Christ? (Romans 10:14).So yesterday being Sunday, I and some beloved fellow Co-Workers went to Bekwai (a town which is not far from the village where I and Brother Paul have been going). There in this town, we positioned ourselves to do Book Distribution, Street Evangelism, and dispersing ourselves in the town for such a purpose. And everything actually went well by God’s “GRACE” as many people came for the books. Even at a point in time when the books were almost finished, Brother Nana Adjei went home to bring additional ones from the house, but still they were all used-up as dozens later came to demand the books than we have anticipated.Sister Esi, Maa Charity and I even kept some Books in the car which we brought. And these books were kept because we were going to give to some specific people in our respective areas. But because many were rushing for the Books, we could not help, but to give all them out. You can even see in the last two photos that many people were rushing to Brother Eben near the car to snatch books from his hand. It was an interesting scene. Yet still, most of them did not get a copy. So we promised them that we will come there once again for all of them to get a share of the spiritual CAKE, and so they shouldn’t worry.We give THANKS to the LORD who “works” in all of us both to “will” and to “do” for His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13). Let me also take this opportunity to thank all my fellow Co-Workers such as Brother Paul, Atta Owusu Ansah, Evans, Eben, Nana Adjei, Hayford, Sister Lydia, Maa Charity, Maame Esi and Stephanie who worked together in unison which was so beautiful. Not forgetting Maa Hellen who even though could not join us, supplied us with free masks to use, and she also prepared a meal (food) for us as a surprise which we didn’t know until the program came to an end and we returned home. The same thanks also go to all of you Brethren out there (wherever you may be) who were with us spiritually and in prayers.To the LORD our God Jesus Christ be all the glory!Eric Aboadwe, Ghana            

    • Eric Aboadwe
    • Ghana
    • 04/06/202146572
  • No. 1

    Why did Jesus have to die on the Cross?

    The death of Jesus was the payment for all the sins of the world that had been taken away through His baptism. People were facing eternal deaths of hellfire for their sins, but because Jesus loved us, He accepted baptism, which passed all our sins on to Him, and died on the Cross to save us.He sacrificed Himself to save us from sin and from the curse of hell. His death was the payment for the sins of humankind. He was baptized to take away all the sins of the world and gave Himself to judgment on the Cross in order to save all of us from sin, death, judgment and damnation.The death of Jesus was for the sins of the world that He took onto Himself at the Jordan so that He could receive judgment for the sins of humankind. He died on the Cross and was resurrected to let us live again as the righteous.

    • Zambia
    • 03/12/202147604
The New Life Mission


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